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April 14, 2016 - " Understanding Mold For Property Insurers & Real Estate Professionals"

4/15/2016 (Permalink)

Risa Kluger, Franchise Owner

SERVPRO of Port Jefferson/Stony Brook & Hicksville/Plainview would like to give a big Thank You to Larry Hackney Executive VP at Robkat, Inc. and Continuing Education Instructor for presenting a very informative seminar on Mold.

Below are a few key things we went over:

*Preventing Mold Growth

*Where to look for moisture & Microbial Growth

*Moisture Control

*Mold Remediation Work Standards

*Nassau County- Local Law 13-2014 (Environmental Hazard Remediation)

SERVPRO would also like to thank all who attended! We hope that you enjoyed our seminar. The primary goal was to increase your understanding of Mold. If you have any further questions regarding anything we went over during this seminar feel free to contact Paula Mauro 

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