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Plainview-Old Bethpage Chamber of Commerce

7/12/2016 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Hicksville/Plainview - is a part of Plainview-Old Bethpage Chamber of Commerce - SERVPROs Marketing Manager  Paula Mauro is a Committee member for the 9/11 Memorial.

September 11, 2016 will mark the 15th Anniversary of the horrific terrorist attack on New york, our city, our nation and our world.

The Plainview-Old Bethpage Chamber of Commerce is creating a unique memorial for our community that will enable furture generations to learn about, reflect upon and never forget September 11, 2001. 

David Haussler is a master Long Island sculptor. He is bringing his creative passion and unique talent to the Plainview-Old Bethpage with an outdoor sculpture for the Public. David has produced other memorials using his talent for combining a powerful presence with sensitive display. 

The POB sculpture will be orginal and exceptional and we will be proud to present this to our community on Sunday, September 11, 2016. 

The students from POBJFK High School Media Arts Department will add an educational component to recount for those too young to know and help others take a moment and remember the events and ramifications of 9/11. Using a QR (Quick Response Code) the sculpture will engage viewers and open the book of the history of that day. 

The POB Chamber wants to engage the entire community and is now reaching out to large companies in Plainview-Old Bethapge to join our campaign. 

Your donation will be used to make a lasting tribute to a day that changed the face of the world forever. This undertaking is expensive but we are optimistic and have already raised several thousand dollars. Twenty Thousand Dollars is the goal and we hope to reach it with a $1000 contribution fro 20 of Plainview-Old Bethpage's most prominent companies. Contributions will be recognized in respectful accord. 

Thank you for your time and consideration and for further information or any question please contact: POBCOC President Elan Wurtzel @ elan@wurtzellaw.com or Francesca Carlow; francescacarlow@gmail.com 

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