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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

What Are The Biggest Fire Damage Risks In My Hicksville Home?

7/15/2020 (Permalink)

A burnt out house with a single glowing light bulb hanging from the ceiling SERVPRO of Hicksville / Plainview technicians is waiting to help you.

SERVPRO Helps Hicksville Residents Deal With Fire Damage

Fire damage is a frightening thought, and as a result, many Hicksville residents are eager to do all they can to prevent a home fire.

It is essential to know the most significant fire damage risks so you can keep your Hicksville home safe. There are several steps you can take to help prevent a fire in your house.

What are the biggest fire damage risks to look out for?

SERVPRO recommends all homeowners stay aware of the following potential risks:

    •    Cooking. A home-cooked meal is delightful, but if you are not careful, it can also be a fire hazard. Always stay aware in the kitchen.
    •    Candles. Candles are a leading cause of fires. Be careful when burning candles, and do not ever leave them unattended.
    •    Appliances. An old or damaged appliance can spark a fire. Maintain your devices properly and be alert for worn cords or damaged casing.
    •    Dryers. Make sure you unclog your dryer's pipes regularly and clean the lint filter regularly.
    •    Smoking. We all know that smoking is not beneficial for our health, but it is also a terrible fire risk. If you or anyone in your home is not ready to quit, be mindful not to leave cigarettes burning, or even better, smoke outside.

How can SERVPRO help me is there is a fire?

In the unfortunate event of a fire, SERVPRO technicians are on hand to mitigate the damage. We know the steps to take to restore your home:

    •    A thorough assessment of the situation
    •    Boarding up windows and placing a tarp on the roof if the fire has caused structural damage
    •    Removing excess water from the initial efforts to quench the fire
    •    Remove smoke and soot from your home using a range of specialized equipment
    •    Clean and sanitize damaged items
    •    Restore your home and deal with physical damage such as replacing drywall.

SERVPRO of Hicksville / Plainview technicians is waiting to help you. If your home has suffered fire damage, give us a call today on (516) 733-1800.

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