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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Is Controlled Demolition Common After Fire Loses in Syosset?

9/9/2020 (Permalink)

Wall repair/ paint materials SERVPRO makes the build back process easier on you by assisting you with every level of fire damage restoration. Call us for expert service.

When structure fires occur, significant damage can result, that requires our contractors to repair and rebuild. 

Structure fires in Syosset homes and businesses can have an undeniable damaging result. The more materials and surfaces in the path of the blaze, before it gets extinguished by first responders, the more of your home that requires cleaning and recovery. While it is always a priority of our technicians to restore before replacing, the severity of the property's loss effects and the condition of building materials can be indicators for when controlled demolition might be necessary. This practice reduces the later time and material costs for reconstruction by only removing compromised structural elements. 

There are multiple layers of fire damage restoration for Syosset homes. Before we can get involved with common mitigation tasks like soot and smoke residue removal from building materials, fixtures, and contents, a thorough inspection of the property can determine when demolition might be necessary first. Demolition can happen for several different reasons evaluated in the job scoping phase, including:

  • Material is Partially Combusted 
  • Excessive Soot/Smoke Damage 
  • Require Access to Fire/Water Damaged Structural Cavities 
  • Structural Deterioration

When Does Build Back Begin for Damaged Homes? 

Often there are several types of mitigation and restoration steps that must occur before your property is ready for the build back and reconstruction. With a team of in-house contractors that can oversee the controlled demolition in the pre-mitigation phases, these same professionals can begin the necessary repairs and material replacement when restoration completes. The seamless transition between recovery and reconstruction can often get you back into your home more quickly than third-party subcontractors. 

After a fire, it is not uncommon for your home to need repairs and reconstruction, especially after controlled demolition designed to mitigate overall losses. Our SERVPRO of Hicksville / Plainview team can help with restoration and rebuilding - give us a call today at (516) 733-1800.

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