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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Professional Fire Restoration Can Save More in Plainview Homes

3/1/2021 (Permalink)

fire damaged home Fire restoration should be left to the professionals. SERVPRO technicians are IICRC certified for any size fire damaged property.

Local Plainview Residents Rely on SERVPRO for Fire Restoration

When a fire occurs in a home, even a small fire can leave behind numerous issues. When homeowners attempt to clean up the damage independently, it can create more significant challenges or render portions of the structure or articles without the potential for reuse. 

When Plainview properties need fire restoration, it is best to bring professional help. SERVPRO technicians have the training to deal with:

SERVPRO techs have access to some of the most advanced equipment and cleaning agents available in the restoration services industry to remove smoke damage and eliminate odors within the structure. 

Devices such as air scrubbers and movers for ventilation improvement and photocatalytic oxidizers to neutralize airborne soot particulate using ultraviolet rays. In the event of deeply embedded smoke odors, the techs can use thermal foggers or the Vaportek system, which delivers vaporized oils through a membrane that attach themselves to odorous molecules rendering them inert.

SERVPRO of Hicksville / Plainview at (516) 733-1800 serves the local Plainview community for any size fire restoration services needed in their properties. 

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