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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Can Residents Eat and Use Food and Personal Care Products from Plainview Fire Damaged Homes Safely?

5/10/2021 (Permalink)

smoke from a fire Fire damage restoration service done by SERVPRO is top-notch. We are second to none. Call now!

SERVPRO advises fire, and smoke damage to stored food and health and beauty aids Plainview residences can pose health effects 

Most Plainview fire damage restoration seekers have probably not considered the safety of food and products like shampoos, lotions, medications, and other personal care goods impacted by the smoke, soot, and heat of a fire. Common sense and caution during a house fire cleanup guide Plainview homeowners that when the safety of food or other products is in doubt, the smartest option is to throw it out.

  • Soot and its toxins can enter even tightly wrapped items and closed refrigerators and freezers. 
  • Heat can cause chemical changes that compromise the safety of fire and smoke-damaged products.

Can SERVPRO Safely Perform Fire and Smoke Damage Restoration and Cleanup for Furnishings and Household Goods?

Fire-damaged home contents in Plainview can emerge safely for use after SERVPRO’s specially trained water, and fire damage restoration production facility technicians evaluate, clean, disinfect, and dry items. Count on your possessions arising after best practices centered on the targets below employed to combat harm and return items to preloss condition:

  • Smoke Damage
  • Smoke Remediation
  • Fire Restoration

SERVPRO of Hicksville / Plainview evaluates all aspects of heat, fire, and smoke damage when making decisions regarding restoring contents after a household blaze. Constant us at (516) 733-1800 to explore your options. 

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