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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

How different is Fire Damage Restoration of Contents in Hicksville Conference Facilities?

8/25/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO logo SERVPRO professionals are trained to handle every level of fire damage, Including the odors that follow. Call us today, we are always available.

SERVPRO Readily Handles Repetitive Work Such as Cleaning Draperies and Upholstery during Fire Restoration 

After a fire affects your Hicksville business premises, one task you might mistake as light, yet, it is not is the cleanup of draperies and upholstery affected directly or indirectly during the blaze. Seeking professional assistance is one way to simplify the restoration.

The challenge that fire damage restoration at your Hicksville conference facility poses may arise because of the size of the cleaning job, the layout of the facility, and the variation of materials being cleaned. For example, several pieces of upholstery items or large pieces of drapery might be left with soot residues after the fire. SERVPRO’s help in such cases comes in different ways, including providing appropriate cleaning resources and organizing the processes for more efficiency.

Restorative Cleaning May Help Address Issues Like:

  • Water & Fire Damage Restorations
  • Smoke Damage
  • Fire and smoke damage

One unique approach SERVPRO teams use is setting up a production line arrangement whereby different technicians perform separate restorative tasks. For example, when cleaning chairs, the task can be broken down into three steps whereby the first person vacuums them to remove loose fire residues, the second person pre-sprays and agitates the soils, while the third person extracts. 

Fabric Room Dividers Also Present Some Challenges Like:

  • Sensitive backing materials that can be damaged during cleaning
  • Water-soluble glues that might not withstand cleaning processes
  • Difficult-to-clean fibers and fabrics 

SERVPRO of Hicksville / Plainview has significant experience handling fire damage restoration in commercial establishments. Call us at (516) 733-1800.

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