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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

What to Do When Mold Damage Affects Your Hicksville Property

3/29/2023 (Permalink)

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Explore Appropriate Mold Restoration in Hicksville with SERVPRO

You may realize there is mold in your Hicksville residence when you notice physical changes such as dark spots and discoloration or if people exhibit signs of reacting to underlying mold growth. Whatever alerts you of the problem, you need to take action to contain mold damage and save your property.

One thing that can make mold damage in your Hicksville property challenging to address is the high likelihood of a recurrence. Therefore, your actions must address the existing problems and prevent future issues. Since your skills and resources may be limited, seeking help from a professional team like SERVPRO helps improve the outcomes.

General tips for better mold control:

  • Do not delay or postpone your response
  • Manage and prevent mold simultaneously
  • Use physical and chemical means to fight mold

Most early signs of a mold infestation are mild, so you might not give it much thought. For example, a few dark spots and surface discoloration may not prompt you to respond. SERVPRO crew chiefs investigate whether the problem is limited at the surface or extends deeper. We do so non-invasively using thermal cameras that identify pockets of hidden moisture and bore scopes that allow wall or ceiling cavity exploration from a small drill hole.

Mold Management vs. Prevention

Mold can thrive anywhere, provided the conditions are favorable. Moisture and organic food sources are the main factors driving such contamination. Therefore, management refers to steps, such as cleaning and physical material removal in contaminated areas, while prevention denotes actions, such as drying wet areas and applying chemical agents that inhibit microbial growth. 

Chemical and physical mold control methods:

  • Vacuuming surfaces to remove colony fragments and spores
  • Dry ice or soda blasting surfaces to dislodge colonies
  • Damp wiping surfaces with antimicrobial detergents

SERVPRO of Hicksville / Plainview can help you determine the appropriate response to any mold contamination. We also have essential remediation resources. Call us at (516) 733-1800.

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