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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

What Kind of Fire Extinguisher You Should Have in Your Home

7/24/2018 (Permalink)

State laws do not require you to have a fire extinguisher at your residence. However, knowing what kind of fire extinguisher to buy in case of a fire is imperative. Not all extinguishers can be used across the different classes of fire. So what type of fire extinguisher should you install into your home or apartment? The two most common areas a fire starts are the kitchen and the garage.
The most common type of fire to start in a kitchen is a class F fire that is fueled by cooking oils and grease. Ordinary water will not extinguish these fires due to oil's hydrophobic tendencies. In fact, using water on a class F fire will cause the fire to spread. Having a CO2 extinguisher in the kitchen can help to protect yourself from this common type of fire.
There are a few potential fire hazards that can be present in your garage. The most common are electrical fires and propane fires. These fires can be efficiently and safely put out with ABC powder extinguishers. However, if you are to use this extinguisher, make sure the area is well ventilated because inhaling the powder can cause harm to you or others.
Always know how to safely operate a fire extinguisher before using and check the expiration date every month. If you or someone you know is having a fire emergency, do not attempt to put out the fire yourself. Call SERVPRO® of Port Jefferson for immediate emergency services.

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